• Mosswood Plantation - Home Owners Association

Welcome to the official web page of

Mosswood Plantation at Berwick Home Owners Association

Welcome to the official web page of

Mosswood Plantation at Berwick Home Owners Association



This is the official Mosswood HOA portal!

Here you'll find updates and information of the neighborhood...



Mosswood Annual HOA Meeting 2024

The Annual HOA Meeting is set for September 20, 2024 (Friday) at 7pm and will be held at the pool.

The HOA needs owners to volunteer to include their name on the ballot for a board seat. This year there are 3 vacancies. If you are interested, please email admin@psmofsavannah.com no later than August 30th. (Reminder, your account must be current, and you must be in good standing with the association to be eligible.)



Yard of the Month

Ready, set, grow! Cast your vote to recognize our homeowners who strive to beautifully maintain their property and add to the overall appeal of our community.

Note: Every household has one vote each month. If multiple votes are sent, only the last vote will count!



To All Mosswood Homeowners

If you want to see more Mosswood HOA specific content (i.e. homeowner help page with lots of FAQs or documents i.e. Forms, Application, Instructions, Board Minutes, Budget Plans and much more), please register for this web portal. 

Note: You need to be a Mosswood HOA homeowner in order to register. There will be a screening process after submitting the registration to make sure only Mosswood HOA members will have access.



Weekly Trash Pickup

Bring out trash bin the day before. Pick up is usually early morning.
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Biweekly Recycle Pickup

Bring out recycle bin the day before. Pick up is usually early morning.
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Bulk Trash Pickup
every 1st Friday of the month

Bring out bulk trash the day before.
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Tip Of The Season

Spring Home Maintenance Tips

After that warm sunshine begins heating up the world around you and allowing you to get started on some spring home maintenance chores. But where do you even start? It may seem like there are a million and one things on your to-do list, and that’s OK. If your list weren’t packed, we’d be worried.

The key to a successful spring home maintenance checklist is knowing everything you should be looking for and what chores to begin with.

We’ve compiled a checklist full of spring home maintenance tips to make the task at hand a little more bearable.

Winter may have done wonders to your roof and gutters — and we’re not talking about the good wonders. The season’s harsh nature could potentially cause your gutters to crack, fill them up with the last leaves left from fall or damage your shingles, which could lead to a leaky roof in the future.

Either way, you won’t know what shape your roof and gutters are in until you break out the ladder and check it out yourself. If you don’t feel comfortable climbing onto the roof, we recommend saving this task for the professionals.

It’s important to make sure your gutters’ downspouts are properly cleared and facing the right direction. Make sure they’re turned away from your home, so the water flows into the yard instead of toward the foundation.

It’s important to check the foundation of your home to make sure the cold and rainy weather of winter didn’t leave behind any cracks that may allow water into your home’s structure.

Seal all cracks and imperfections with the necessary tools — or call a contractor to do the work if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself. It’s also important to look for spots around the house with unlevel soil that could potentially allow water to pool and push up against your home. If you find any, pack them in with soil or landscape from areas that are away from your home.

Take a close look at any wooden decks, wood trim and other wooden structures on the exterior of your home to see if they have been warped, stained or discolored. If they have, it likely means the wood seal has worn off and it’s time to reseal.

If you have a wooden deck and want to know if you need to reseal it, just pour some water onto the deck. If the water beads up, the seal is likely still intact, and you may be able to wait a few more months or a year before you need to reseal the deck. If the water doesn’t bead up, you’ll want to reseal your deck this spring.

Your HVAC (which, incidentally, stands for heating, ventilation, and cooling) performs important tasks to keep your family comfortable and healthy. Many people forget the “V” in HVAC is just as important as keeping you warm or cool. Keeping your home properly ventilated seals out allergens and other pollutants while allowing the free flow of fresh, conditioned air throughout your home.

Inspect all working parts of your HVAC system, and note any strange noises, odors, frayed or worn wiring, and possible clogged ducts. Clear away any grass clippings or leaves from your outside unit to facilitate the free flow of air. Your HVAC filter should normally be changed monthly, but some systems have other filters that are changed less frequently. A licensed HVAC professional can advise you about any cleaning, repairs, or other issues to keep your system in top condition.

Concrete, asphalt and other hardscaped material don’t take too kindly to winter’s continuous freezing and thawing ways. This fluctuation in weather and temperature can cause concrete to crack and water to seep through.

Walk around the exterior of your home, looking carefully at your driveway and hardscaped materials that make up your landscape and yard. If you notice any cracks, you may be able to patch it quickly to deter further damage.

Concrete materials don’t take kindly to cracks. You may be able to patch concrete (like small cracks in the driveway), but you may have to replace the concrete if the cracks are beyond repair.

March through June are prime season for termites to thrive and begin tearing through the wooden structures in your home.

If there are tiny insects flying out of the exterior structure of your home, they could be termites. Also, if your next-door neighbors suddenly put up a carnival-like tent to get rid of termites, you’ll want to call a licensed pest control professional as soon as possible.

Chances are good that you have screen doors and windows on your home that are designed to let that fresh spring air inside and freshen the air in your home. Chances are also good that you don’t want any bugs coming through those screens along with the air.

Walk around your home to carefully scan each screen for any holes that shouldn’t be there. If you find holes, don’t worry! Screens can be patched pretty easily with a standard repair kit from the hardware store.

Take a close look around the exterior of your home to check if the harsh winter weather has chipped or stripped paint from the outside of your home.

Although painting the exterior of your home isn’t necessary every spring, it’s the perfect time to change the color of your home! You may also want to keep an extra bucket or two of paint for the future, in case you need to patch any paint.

Your irrigation has likely been stuck inside the frozen ground for a few months, which can be extremely harsh on these brittle pipes that help give life to your lawn and landscape.

Run the irrigation system to make sure everything is in working order. Check each sprinkler head to make sure they’re coming out of, and going back into, the ground properly. If they’re a little crooked or you find damaged sprinkler heads, replace them as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the system.

Testing the irrigation system extends to checking all the outdoor faucets attached to your home. We really hope you disconnected the hoses from every faucet! If you did (or even if you didn’t), turn on each faucet and connect a working hose to each to make sure they’re working properly.




Wondering where our Halloween and Holiday Lights photos went?

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Latest News

September 2024 - Annual HOA Meeting

Join us for the annual HOA meeting!
Friday, September 20th
Pool Party at 5pm followed by the annual meeting at 7pm, adult swimming from 8pm to 10pm
Variety of barbecued meats will be provided by the HOA (side dishes welcomed)


September 2024 - Yard of the Month 

Congratulations to our "Yard of the Month" winner in August

  • 116 Mosswood Dr

Also thank you to all other homeowners in our neighborhood who did not win this month. Keep up the good work for our voting next month...


August 2024 - Annual HOA Meeting 2024

The Annual HOA Meeting is set for September 20, 2024 (Friday) at 7pm and will be held at the pool.
The HOA needs owners to volunteer to include their name on the ballot for a board seat. This year there are 3 vacancies. If you are interested, please email admin@psmofsavannah.com no later than August 30th. (Reminder, your account must be current and you must be in good standing with the association to be eligible.)


March 2024 - Community Events

March 22nd - Friday - Community Pool opens for the season

March 23rd - Saturday - Bow Tie Food Truck 5pm to 7:30pm


February 2024 - Revised Proposed Garden City Annexation Resolution

Look at the document...

October 2023 - New HOA Board Members 

Congratulations to our new HOA board members!

Jeff Huson (Treasurer) and Jim Kelley (ARB Coordinator)